This is a list I compiled when I was 25 and at the time I went crazy trying to acheive as much as I could but then I drifted off it and got a little bored, so I am going to blog it to try and motivate myself to achieve it all (although it could become rather expensive!!):
1. Skydive
I did this 2 years ago and it was the scariest but best thing I have EVER done by far. It was an amazing day and a time when I realised what a true friend was...someone who would jump out of plane for you in honour of the Mom you lost but she never met!!
2. Orbing
I did this with Louise as well a few years back, I found it realy funny but struggled with the lack of control shouting 'Lou, why are we speeding up, we're not slowing down!!!' panic!! But it was fun nonetheless!
3. Go to Blackpool
I have now done this more than once, in fact about 5 times!! I love the Pleasure Beach because I love Rollercoasters and I love the cheese of the Blackpool strip and lights, reminds me of being a kid again!!
4. Route 66
Maybe not the whole route but I would love a photo with a Route 66 road sign at least - I hope to do this on my travels to the states at some point!!
5. Get my degree
Officially, this is done as I am just waiting on my classifcation for my Foundation Degree but I am doing another year to achieve my honours degree - I will be finished in October then it will be time for a Graduation Party :-)
6. Comic Con
When I wrote this I meant Comic Con San Diego however, this may be difficult now as I am running out of time so it may end up being Comic Con London or Birmingham!!
7. Get a new piercing
I did this, I got my Tragus pierced (the inner bit of your ear!) but it wouldn't heal and got a little infected so I had to take it out - I will be getting it done again though!
8. Go to a football match
I have been told this is something we all should do in our lifetime but it doesn't appeal to me at all so I have been putting it off!!
9. Paris
I have no one to go with :( so I haven't done this yet!!
10. Hot air balloon
This is quite simple to book and do so I don't know why I haven't done it... Maybe I will book it for my birthday?!
11. Empire Top 500 Movies
This is hard as it is going to take a long time as I have only seen about 100 of them, I need to get a wriggle on - with my 28th just around the corner I running out of time!
12. Buy a house
Too expensive!!
13. Go to Disneyworld, Orlando
I've done this and it was my faveourite holiday EVER. I loved every minute and I can't wait to go back
again if I get to do my trip to the States.
14. White Water Rafting
Again this quite easy to go about and not too expensive anymore so I don't know why I don't just do it!! Lazy bugger!!
15. Plan a surprise party
This is what reminded me of my list and got me thinking about it again!! Another item checked off!!
16. Dress as sperm in public
There was a reason for this. I used to have a group of friends and we wanted to dress as Sperm and have our friend Emma dress as an egg and we could just bump into her all night - it should have been hilarious, now it just seems silly!! I think I may need to replace this one with something more feasible!!
17. Sing Kareoke in public
I didn't think I would ever be able to do this - but I went to Turkey on holiday with my girlfriends and being in a foreign country gave me the confidence I needed!! After that there was no stopping me and I did it in Blackpool as well!!
18. Learn to Jive
I love the way they dance in the 50s - I could watch them dance in Grease all day and I would love to learn the routines!! I wish I had someone to do this with as it would push me into it, but I don't so I need to step up and do it on my own - here's hoping its not too expensive!!
19. Talk to someone famous
I have NEVER had the guts to do this, I get so nervous that they will think i'm an idiot that I chicken out, that is until a few weeks ago when I met Henry Winkler AKA The Fonz and asked him for a photo - He was lovely!!
20. Go to a festival
Quite difficult as I have no one to go with - although my cousin Nicole may want to go with me so I might have to ask her if she in interested in going next year!
21. Go to a casino
Such an easy one but I have never done it - apart from sitting outside a Casino in Brisbane Australia with my Nan because you had to be 18 to go in :(
22. Adult Wacky Warehouse
The only one near where I live is one where you have to get so many people together and book the whole place out rather than just turning up with a few friends - I should have planned it for my birthday really! Doh!
23. Climb Snowdon
This is not an easy one, maybe after I have completed Insanity it would be possible but at the minute my fitness levels are just not up to it. Maybe I should plan do it in the Summer with my Dad - that way I will have to get fit in time for it!!
24. Go to the Opera
Wish I hadn't - I was bored stupid and fell asleep in the second Act. But I did do it so I can tick it off the list!!
25. Photoshoot with the girls
This felt really worthwhile - had a great day lots of lovely photos. Spent a fortune buying them and then we all stopped speaking, awesome!!
26. Go on an all girls holiday
Turkey twice - loved it!
27. Have a drastic haircut
FOOLISH!!!! It looked awful but now I can say I did it!!
28. Go to Japan
My new job involves travel so this may happen at some point - fingers crossed!!!
29. Tobogganing at the Snowdome
I took my Nephew for his birthday and we had a great time - so glad I have experienced it now!!
30. Sightseeing in London
I have lived in England all my life and never taken advantage of the sites we have right on our doorstep - I went with Dad a few months back and we had a great weekend!!
14 out of 30 done!!! Not even half way there yet!!!!