Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Party Planner Extraodinaire

Well, it's been a busy week since being poorly, as I had to catch up with everything that I didn't do while I was ill.  So i have been back on top form and as productive as ever.....

I finished my final essay for my B121 Managing in the Workplace course, meaning that as soon as that is submitted and my classifcation comes through I have a Foundation Degree in Business Studies.... But I'm not done yet, I have just started T307 Innovation: designing for a sustainable future.  I don't think I understood how this course worked when I decided 5 years ago that I was going to do it so I'm very daunted by it.  It looks as though learn about invention and innovation people like Edison and Bell and then develop a project of your own.  Well as I have the design skills of a peanut I am a little worried.  However, I like a challenge and this is the last course towards my BA (Hons) in Business Studies, so come October I will be completely finiahed with Open Unversity, at least for the foreseeable future!!  At least that will then make way for the Graduation Party.... I am VERY excited about planning and having this party, i am hoping my dad will pay for it as a Graduation party but now he is retired I may not be overly happy with that idea but I'll keep pushing!  Either way i will be on a budget which I have found to be difficult but makes you much more creative....

...This leads me to my friends Baby Shower which I have been planning since January, with a possible 88 people to come and a £200 budget it wasn't an easy feat but I found myself making things instead of buying them which I am not used to doing.  For example, bunting.  I found the one I liked online but it was £2.75 per metre so instead i brought the bits and pieces for around £6 for nearly 40 meters of bunting.... bargain much!! I will be posting photos once we have finished it and had the party.  I don't want to ruin the surprise if my friend happens to read my blog!  It's been stressful but I have really enjoyed organising this and would do it again in a heartbeat - therefore I decided to get mym business up and running.  Poppy Events.  I have had business cards created and printed up to take to the baby shower and hand out to anyone interested.  These kind of 'free events' are a great opportunity for me to showcase my skills and gain photos etc for my website (which I will have eventually!)

On top of that I am also organising my Dad's Surprise 60th Birthday Party with somewhat of a budget but it's my my money so if I end up going over, its only my problem.  I have decided on a black/white theme - as my dad is a Guinness fan! I am at invite stage so once they are done I focus on the baby shower and then come back to Dad's after that - luckily they are a month apart!  I'm really excited for Dad to see all his friends and family in the same place and I know this is something my Mom would have done for him if she was here so how can I not!! Plus I love a good family party :-)

They are all my parties in the pipeline at the moment, but I hope to drum up a little bit of business at those by handing out my business card and selling myself (not in a dodgy way!) on the day!

Sorry for the lack of photos this time round but I am concious that i don't want to ruin any surprises for anyone at the parties so keeping a low profile for now.

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