Tuesday, 28 January 2014

The New (Drunk) Me!!

Well so much for the promise 'I will do this every Sunday!!' in my defence it was my Nephews birthday and I had a rotten hangover :-/  Plus I was ill yesterday so Tuesday it is!!

So, The New (Drunk) Me - I bloody love her!!  She has confidence (even after only losing a few pounds), she enjoys having her photo taken, particularly when they come out like this:

She meets men (most of which she doesn't like) but she enjoys being approached (but not stroked on the arm which one bloke seemed to want to do a lot!!)  She laughs hysterically and dances like no one is watching.

If you hadn't guessed already, I had an amazing weekend!!  First was a well needed and muchly deserved night out with Louise, the highlight of which was this:

and the music and photo booth in Pop world  (sounds horrendous but the music was AMAZING, like being at a family party!!) which both prompted these:

This was followed by a second night out that included copius amounts of cocktails... Starting with homemade (very strong) piña coladas:

Chased by Prosecco and crisps:

Followed by more cocktails (cosmos and Long Island ice teas):

Plus apparently we made some new friends (I can't say I remember!):

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