Well quite a ... weekend, not at all what I was expecting. Started with the first night out drinking in 2013 and I was rather looking forward to it (which is an achievment in itself!!) so off I trot on Friday off to my cousins to get ready. Getting ready might I add used to be one of my favourite parts of the night, when I felt comfortable in my clothes and my own skin for that matter. Now, the thought of putting an outfit on and looking in the mirror fills me with dread BUT this time it wasn't so bad...I did my hair and make up and left getting dressed right til the last minute (mainly so I had had a few drinks before I looked in the mirror) and shock horror it wasn't that bad - I didn't look like an Oompa Loompa in a dress and i was quite happy with the results, i don't have a photo of my outfit but this is my hair and make up and I was happier with that than I have been in a while. So, off we go on my first night out of 2013 feeling a little merry and somewhat confident (in comparison to similar situations in 2012)......
...2 hours later...
....the club doesn't do diet drinks so i'm 187 (give or take) over my Weight Watchers points for the day...week....month....decade!! My feet are killing me (early onset arthritus is not something to joke about!!) my cousin and her friends are in a fight with some girl and i'm tired.....AWESOME!
There is where our night out ending at 11pm in the chip shop (which felt like approximately 250 miles from the club) and back to my cousins flat - where the evening proceeded to me being called a lightweight as I wanted to go to bed (don't know about you but I don't know what else I was going to do) so in bed I was by 11.30pm and honestly it was the best part of the night!! :-)
I am officially addicted to Fringe I have watched 3 seasons in 2 weeks and I have now found out that the next series is the last and only has 12 episodes :( need to find something new to watch ASAP!!
My new uni books have come this week and after flicking through them for 30 seconds I have decided it looks too hard and I don't want to do it anymore...humph!! But this is my last year at Uni now so I just need to push on for a few more months and it will all be over and so worth it!! I'm rather excited about the prospect of graduating and more importantly having graduation party as I love to plan a good event... So far that is what this week has consisted of planning a Baby Shower for my friend Lou she has given us a spec and a budget and its seems to be going well so far - I love that feeling when you can see an event start to form and take shape and things are starting fall into place, its very exciting and explains why this is what I want to do with my life :-)
Well with my lack of pictures this time round I have probably bored you stupid but heyho - my blog I can say what I want... Hopefully my next one will be a bit more focused and a bit less higgledy piggledy :-)
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