Thursday, 17 January 2013

Operation Skinny - Days 13 and 14

Well as my weekend didn't go so well I have made a point of being really good through the first half of this week, my dad requested Spaghetti and Meatballs on Sunday so I did that for him but wanted something with a few less points for me.  So I only had 3 meatballs instead of 6 which seemed plenty in the end.  I made a sauce with tinned tomatos, garlic, mushrooms and onions which were all free but instead of Spaghetti I did more of my roasted butternut squash and carrots.  It was a lovely dinner. I then did the same on Monday, Dad had Spaghetti bolognaise (he loves his pasta!) but instead of pasta I had more roasted veggies and I felt perfectly full after but not bursting and I didn't get hungry again all night!

I have been having weight watchers soups for lunch with a slice of bread and for a 4 propoint lunch I have found them very filling and tasty so I may continue this trend for a while :-)

Yesterday I didn't eat much at all I was so worried about my weigh in after my awful weekend - anywho my determination and strict regime for the remainder of the week seem to have done the trick as I have lost another 2lb bringing me to an overall loss of 6.5lb so far!!  This means I am so determined to do well this week as it will mean my half a stone award, plus my 5% award and will push me into the next 'stone' bracker (out of the 12st into the 11st!) which will be a big acheivment fo me :-)  I'm still doing well with my awareness of food value and also not allowing myself to become 'starving' therefore wanted easy fixes and junk food.

I'm on my own tonight (pub night for Dad) so i'm thinking about what to have for dinner and i'm thinking chicken cooked with some sort of seasoning (not sure what yet!) with mushrooms and onions in either a pitta or tortilla with low fat mint and yogurt dressing, i'm rather looking forward to it actually :-)  I need something quick before I meet Claire at the pub as this particualar pub is a Hungry Horse (which i don't recommend for anyone who is dieting!) and it has nothing healthy on the menu (that I can see or like anyway!) its all with chips and caked in sauce - no plain chicken option or mash to make up a nice healthy meal.  So I figured if I eat before I go I won't be tempted by the naughty meals on their menu!

Emotionally/mentally I am feeling much stronger and I think it is all to do with my new outlook and trying to make changes that can improve my life.  I am starting to see the positive in situations and I feel better each morning when I wake up :-) I think my happy day calendar can sense my improvements :-)

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