Friday 1 November 2013

BEDN - Something I have made

I am starting this blog from my taxi on route to the airport, heading to Paris for 5 days!! I thought I would give myself a bit of a head start as once I arrive I will be sightseeing all day, then an early night ready for the build up of the show in the morning!!

The topic for today was something I have made, I am not going to take this quite as literal as I would normally and say the something I made is my plane... I was awake at 3am thanks to some well timed texts and phone calls from various friends and family and therefore have made it to my flight!!

You may think this is a)not very interesting  or b) not a great achievement but given my track record with trains (I have never got on to the train I have intended to in my life, I am always late for trains and end up waiting for the next one, sometimes overnight in the case of Cardiff!!) so when I started this job I was a little conscious about making sure I was awake and ready in time to leave for my flights - I set 5 alarms and ask my Facebook friends to ring or text me if they find themselves awake at the right time!! Hopefully this plan will continue to work!!

I will continue this blog from le Paris :)

Well I didn't quite make it to Paris before I started again, i am in the lounge waiting to board and I see this farty little propeller plane through the window....

Little concerned that this might actually be my plane :-/

So I made it to Paris and I have had a pretty hectic day, therefore I am now in my hotel room 'making' a cup of tea and I have also 'made' the tele speak in English instead of French :) success!!

Just a few of my photos so far:

The Eiffel Tower from underneath:

The Eiffel Tower from underneath when you try and take a photo of yourself when traveling alone:

The Trocadero and the fountains:

A few selfies on my wet and windy bus tour:
Finally, Notre Dame and a further selfie attempt:

Anyway, finally got to my hotel room and I think sheer exhaustion contributed I my madness but I found the hotel hair dryer freakin hilarious!!!

Well that was a pretty long one, I doubt tomorrow's will be nearly as fun as I will be working but we'll see!!

Muchos Love xx

1 comment:

  1. Fab post hun!! Did you end up on the teeny tiny plane? I used to be cabin crew on that one!! Paris looks fab... and so does your hair!! Where has the blonde gone?!!
