Wednesday 6 November 2013

National Stress Awareness Day - Stress is....

Stress is walking 2 miles through Metro and RER stations with a giant suitcase and a laptop bag.

Stress is coming home to find a hole in the hallway ceiling and water dripping through.

Stress is finding one of your DVD's out of alphabetical order and trying to figure out why.

Stress is being stuck behind the worlds slowest driver in rush hour and then changing lanes to find yourself stuck behind a bus!

Stress is cinema goers not following the cinema etiquette guide, kindly provided by me on my blog. 

Stress is work.

Stress is spending 90 minutes believing the hotel maid has stolen your pajamas!

Stress is having a headaches and no painkillers.

Stress is the worlds biggest exhibition with the worlds rubbish signage!

Stress is all of the above and more!! Stress is in everyone's everyday lives, no one can say they never get stressed ever, but it's how you mentally and emotionally manage that stress that makes the difference.  Since I have done 12 months of counselling I have learnt the tools as techniques required to deal with stressful situations!!  Stopping and talking a moment to reassess the situation and if possible walking away from the situation entirely to gain perspective and by thinking through the issue I tend to be able to move forward thought it much more successfully!

I know this isn't the most interesting of posts but I think it's important that people are aware that 'stress' doesn't necessarily mean you are ill or can't cope, sometimes it just means to need to rethink the way approach the issues you face.


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